MCM#6 - Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping

Road Crew with Front Loader

MCM#6 focuses on preventing pollutants from entering the Waters of the Commonwealth by implementing an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Program with comprehensive training components for MS4 employees. Lower Swatara Township prioritizes pollution prevention measures to proactively address potential environmental impacts.

Preventing Pollution at the Source
The Township emphasizes a proactive approach to pollution prevention by implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) aimed at preventing pollutants from coming into contact with stormwater. Municipal activities such as winter road maintenance, minor road repairs, automobile fleet maintenance, landscaping, park maintenance, and building maintenance have the potential to release pollutants into the MS4s, which ultimately discharge into nearby water bodies. Implementing BMPs is crucial in managing stormwater pollutants and preventing contamination of waterways.

Key Initiatives
Lower Swatara Township has trained staff dedicated to preventing and reducing stormwater pollution from various municipal activities. This includes:

  • Developing inspection and maintenance procedures and schedules for stormwater BMPs
  • Implementing BMPs to treat pollutants from transportation infrastructure, maintenance areas, storage yards, and sand and salt storage areas
  • Establishing procedures for proper disposal of pollutants removed from the MS4
  • Identifying opportunities to integrate water quality controls into new and existing flood management projects
  • Implementing a training program for all municipal staff involved in activities that could potentially discharge pollutants to the MS4
  • Developing standard operating procedures that incorporate stormwater BMPs for common municipal activities

Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding pollution prevention efforts, residents can reach out to the Public Works Department or the MS4 Coordinator.

Through MCM#6, Lower Swatara Township is committed to maintaining high standards of pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices in municipal operations, ensuring the protection and preservation of our water resources for future generations.