4. Forms & Documents

Man writing notes while looking at computer

Stormwater Management Plans
All building projects within proposing over 1,000 square feet of new impervious area (IA) are required to include a stormwater management plan developed by an engineer. This plan must show a method for mitigating the additional stormwater runoff caused by construction. The level of design necessary, is dependent on the total amount of impervious area proposed (See Table Below). For convenience, the stormwater application process has been combined with the Township's building permit application. A link to this document can found at the bottom of this page.

Proposed IA (sq ft)Stormwater Manage Plan Requirements
0 - 999No Stormwater Report or Calculations Required
1,000 - 5,000Provide Volume Controls and SWM Site Plan/Report
> 5,000Provide Rate Controls, Volume Controls, SWM Site Plan/Report and Record Drawing

Stormwater Complaints
Maintaining a clean and healthy stormwater infrastructure is a community effort. We take all complaints from our residents seriously and will work diligently to rectify any issues brought to our attention. If you would like to submit a stormwater complaint digitally, you may click the link here. A hard copy of the complaint form can be found at the bottom of this page. Stormwater complaints can include but are not limited to:

  • Stormwater Facility Failure
  • Dirt leaving construction site
  • Illegal dumping down storm drains
  • Stormwater infrastructure failure
  • Flooding
  • Clogged storm drains from leaves, grass, or snow
  • Stormwater Facility neglect of Operations and Maintenance
  • Grass clippings on the road