MCM#3 - Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

Pipe Outfall

The objective of MCM#3 is to establish and maintain a program aimed at detecting and eliminating illicit discharges entering the regulated small MS4s with the cooperation of the public and township staff. This initiative focuses on identifying areas with a higher likelihood of illicit discharges, including those with older infrastructure, concentrations of high-risk activities, or a history of water pollution problems.

Key Components of MCM#3

  • Priority Areas Identification: Areas with a higher likelihood of illicit discharges, illicit connections, or illegal dumping are identified as priority areas for inspection and intervention.
  • Field Screening: Field screenings are conducted during dry weather periods to detect non-stormwater flows. Sampling of these dry weather discharges or selected chemicals and biological parameters helps to identify illicit discharges.

Understanding Illicit Discharges:
Illicit discharges are any discharges into the storm drain system that are not entirely composed of stormwater, except for water from firefighting activities and discharges from facilities already under an NPDES permit. Unlike wastewater, stormwater generally flows untreated into waterways, making illicit discharges a significant concern due to the potential presence of pathogens, nutrients, sediment, and toxic pollutants.

Regulatory Requirements and Program Development
Phase II MS4s are mandated to develop a comprehensive program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges. This includes:

  • Developing a storm sewer system map
  • Establishing an ordinance prohibiting illicit discharges
  • Implementing a plan to detect and address illicit discharges
  • Conducting an education program on the hazards associated with illicit discharges

Reactive and Proactive Approaches
An effective illicit discharge program operates on both reactive and proactive fronts. While reactive measures address spills and other illicit discharges found in the storm drain system, proactive efforts focus on preventing and eliminating illicit discharges through education, training, and enforcement initiatives.

By implementing MCM#3, we strive to safeguard our water resources from the harmful effects of illicit discharges, promoting a cleaner and healthier environment for our community.

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