Additional Information

Penn State Extension

Melting Snow: It's Stormwater Too!
What is Stormwater?
What is an MS4?
What is Sediment and Why is it a Stormwater Pollutant?
Repairing My Stream - Do I Need a Permit?
Rain Gardens Can Help Slow the Flow
Litter in Our Waterways, Recycling Slow-down, What Now?
How Can I Control Stormwater on My Property?
Why Should I Care About Stormwater?
Why Does My Community Flood More Than it Used to?

Conewago Creek Initiative

Conewago Creek Videos
Homeowner's Guide to Stormwater
Lawn Care Tips
Is Your Septic System Functioning Properly?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Green Infrastructure
Smart Growth Techniques as Stormwater BMPs
Protecting Water Resources with Higher-Density Development
A Guide to Collaboration, Funding, and Community Engagement for Green Infrastructure
Building the Case for Green Infrastructure: Outreach and Education
Summary of Clean Water Act

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) 

PA Clean Streams Law
Let's be Stormwater Smart
Guidelines for Maintaining Streams in Your Community
Homeowner Guide to Make Your Property Bay Friendly
Safe Waters, Healthy Waters
Solutions to Stormwater Pollution
Low Impact Development Center
LID Guidance Manual for Maine Communities
PA Stormwater BMP Manual


Stablization for PA's Streams