3. Stormwater Management Fee

On April 9, 2020, the Lower Swatara Township Municipal Authority approved Resolution 2020-R-2 to adopt a Stormwater Management Fee. This fee has been adopted in accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop and maintain the Township's MS4 program. See below for a breakdown of the stormwater fee by property type.

  1. Single Family Residential: $7 per month
  2. Non Single Family Residential: Aerial mapping was conducted to estimate the impervious cover for each property within the township. The average cover for a residental property was determined to be 3,750 square feet. We used this number to determine an Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) value for each non-residential property, assessing a monthly fee of $7 per ERU. For example, if a property has 7,500 square feet of impervious cover, it has two ERU's and will be charged $14 per month

Under certain conditions, non-residential properties may be able to apply for credits and reduce their overall monthly bill. For more information, a link to the Township's credit policy and application can be found below. The Township understands that you may have questions or concerns regarding this fee. We encourage you to reach out by phone or email to discuss them with our MS4 Coordinator, Brian Davis. We are committed to addressing any questions you have and thank you for your patiance.